China Tour 2019

It all begins with an idea. Taking our own wool growers to the world’s leading woolen mills, to experience first hand how their wool is processed from scouring, to combing, carbonising, then spinning, knitting, dying and garment manufacturing.

Departing June 2019 we took 20 wool growers from WA to China including a Yangste Cruise and Mongolian Horse Trek.

Starting the trip in Shanghai, staying at the famous Peace Hotel while we experienced one of the fastest growing and dynamic cities in the world.

From there to Xian, we saw the terracotta warriors, explored the agricultural university and cycled around a 2000 year old city wall.

We visited China’s capital, Beijing, the great wall, forbidden city and then onto Inner Mongolia where we visited sheep stations at shearing time to compare our farming practices.

The tour was finished with a choice of either horseback living through Mongolia or a 5 start luxury boat tour of the Yangste River.

photo shot on day 1 of the trip.

photo shot on day 1 of the trip.


Eco Fashion Week 2018